Friday, July 11, 2008

(a word SaRa made up for a stick she was playing with, so now Panana will be used quite a bit when talking of Pineview)

PiNeView is one of my FaVoriTe places...even without the BoAt. Yesterday was a GreAt OppoRtunity to go. It was a very CaLm day (water, boaters, and people) to be there. The GiRls had such a FuN time SpLashiNg about and spending about 90% of their time in the WaTer. They are FiShes I tell ya. The beach seems large in the picture, but it is not that big (kinda like the saying for your side car mirrors). However there is room for several families. We found it when we came up last time and now it is a favorite spot for it's swimming and somewhat privacy. I am so grateful for the BeauTifuL surroundings that we had up there for it brings CalMness to the mind.....there were a couple of "situations" that happened up there that could have really put a damper on the day (judgements from other people, it's nice to bring the horns out every now and again tehe, as a friend once called it "having a backbone"), but the Lord must have KnOwn and gave us a BeauTiFul day!

1. PerFect weather, water, and beach.
2. LaSt minute DeciSions.
3. Hannah, Emily, Abby, and Becky
4. My MoM visiting
5. Karolynn CaLLing (favorite part of everyday)
7. SleePing children
8. ColD drinking water
9. FuNNy, and NON-judgemental friends
10. Free SponTaneOus TiMe!!!
I'm so excited to keep going this year to Pineview....I love many of the moments, whether with family or friends. Like my favorite cupcakes (Karolynn coined word)'s MaGiCal!


Holly said...

Looks like fun. I have wanted to take the girls up to the Lake just to let them swim....since we dont have a boat, (other than a fishing boat). We will have to join you one of these days! (Make it a Monday or a Tuesday and we are there!)

Karolynn said...

Awesome blossom! That looks like a blast. Remember last year we were up at that place at least once a week. Those were the days. I love the photo with all the girls in a row. PRESIOUS!!! Love you! People are just jerks really just wait for karma, it is not so fun....

mtlarsen's said...

Looks like alot of fun there!! really pretty too! luv ya!