Chloe, Hunter, and Bridger
My NieCes
My SiSter and her GirlS are here on their way over to CaliFornia for our FamiLy ReuniOn. I am such a proud AuNt to have 3 BeaUtiFul nieces. ChLoe, HunTer and BridGer. My girls LoVe having them here, especially KelCie because her and Bridger are a few months apart in age. These are the TiMes when I long to have them BaCk....So HaPPy to see them!!1. CouSins that are BeSt FriEnds2. Seeing a LoVe note on my porCh (chalking)3. HanGIng out with my SisTer
Hope you guys have a great visit. Gorgeous girls!
They are so beautiful! I showed Hunter and Bridger my hot dog all chewed up in my mouth yesterday. Darling! So you got my love note. Sorry that I didn't answer your call. I was trying to sleep. Morgan got up every 1/2 hour from 3am on... SIGH
In a work-beautiful!! Love you!!!
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