Tuesday, July 29, 2008

MoDoc InDians

GraNdMa TeLL Me a StOry....
"Bloody Point Massacre..and the Modoc Indians"
We asked GraNdma to take us down their ProPertY "The FaR SoUth FieLd" to tell us some HiStory... What a TrEat we HeArd as she told us of a people not often thought of in the eyes of history books at school..the MoDoc InDiaNs. Tulelake is a rich agricultural place with an abundance of produce..meat--veggies. It is truly BeaUtiFul to drive into this lush valley and see HaRd WoRk, which equates to full and happy tummies. We do not see the lake which used to blanket this land, the teepee's occupied, woven baskets and homes, the weapons of choice and the vast barren yet beautiful (still is) landscape. We also do not see a people who once inhabited this land...due to choices they made they are a people almost forgotten..EXcePt the people who live here...ThaNk You GraNdma...with a KeEn mind (not that she is old by any stretch) she told us of this massacre that is hard to find even on the Internet. What I have found (through the internet) is only parts of the whole story (and there are different versions pending on what side you were on), please look up and enjoy learning some history not told. I hope that I can remember what she has given me as well as her grandchildren so we will NOt forget...So RiCh in many ways...We are very BleSSed
God Bless the USA!

1. HiStorY Lessons from Grandma
2. CarD games
3. NiBbleys for LunCh

Monday, July 28, 2008

My FAMilY ReUNioN!!

FoRt KlamaTh FisH HatchERy

CratER LaKe

KiMball ParK - NatUral SpriNg water-
WooD RiVer

FouR WheeLiN

By the CaMpFiRe-S'mORes-SkiTs


HoMemade FooD-FaMily-FuN!
1. MiKe and Family
2. CherYl and Family
3. ToniA and Family
4. ToNia and DaN (Cassie missing-SaD)
5. BrOOke and TayLor
6. AleXis
7. GranDma and GranDpa
8. GamEs
9. CooL NiGhts
10. LauGhing MuCh

Friday, July 25, 2008

My FamiLy ReuNion 2008...

"A PiCtuRe's worth a
ThouSanD WorDs!"
1. CreaTing Family Reunion MemoriEs
2. PiCniC Lunches
3. CraTer LaKe-KimBall ParK-FiSh HatChery

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Ladies Home Journal
May 20085 WaYs on How to be HaPPy!

1. Don't believe everything YOU think.
2. NoTice the HaPPy things in your life NO matter how SmaLL.
3. ChooSe the HaPPier thought.
4. TenD to your RelaTionSHips.
5. Find PaSSion and PurPose.

One of the MoSt ImporTanT things a person can do to raise his or her HaPPiness level is to AcKnowleDge those around them."
Judith W. Umlas
Author of - The Power of Acknowledgment

The BesT way to KeeP relationships HaPPy, HealThy and SuPPortive can be summed up in one word : APPRECIATION!
1. Reading UpLifting Articles
2. EverDay phone calls
3. HaviNg a clean HouSe (if only for 5 mins)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Movie NiGht!

DriLL Bit TaYlor!!

Last night we decided to go HumOrous for our MoVie. My SiSter came back to stay over and so we (not the little ones) climbed into BeD and had such a GreAt LaUgh! Now, there is some language so PG-13 is accurate. OwEn in most of HiS movies, is FuNnY. He doesn't disappoint with this one (nor do his little co-stars)...his NoSe however (can't judge, my "mommy" tummy, and no I am not prego)??? He is a HanDsomE fella though and FuNny to watch...2 thumbs up.
1. AleXis
2. Dr. WhiTe no waiting to get in and being KiNd
3. My SiS. making safely to Moms house

Sunday, July 20, 2008

NiGht GaMes

GhOSts in the GraVeYard!

Last NiGht the CouSIns had a ball GoOfiNg off ToGetheR. It was LaTe and they were full of MischieF! They DreSSed in BlAck, to be InCoGnito....only problem with that is, ShHhh....GiGGling and RoLLing around on the GraSS was NoT very GhoStly, but pretty dang CuTe!

1. NighT GameS
2. ViSiting with CherYl
3. The CoPs NOT being CaLLed

Saturday, July 19, 2008

LagOOn Novel...

WheN You'rE feeliNg BlUe all you have to do....
This picture was not planned... we were trying to get a "self" PoRTrait when the ride StoPPed!! We were taken by SuRpriSe...

See the ReD eyes??? LauGhing so hard, the TeaRs were flowin and we couldn't breath. Those are tears I don't mind shedding (I've been shedding enough without laughter the last couple of days). It felt so good. I did make a wager with KaroLynn to go on the "LaUnching" ride next year (don't know what the ride is called, two sit in a metal contraption and they release the cord and away you go)...we shall see, if I am going to loose my cookies it better be BiG!

Our FamiLieS had a FuN time going later and when the crowds weren't as bad. That is one place you can go to and see something to SmiLe about...

1. PrayeR (and those who help-Thank YoU)

2. Sky Ride with KaroLynn

3. ProJects getting done around the house

Friday, July 18, 2008

PineVieW GiRls DaTe OuT!

Da GiRls!

So, last night I decided to take the GiRls on a date....to our FaVorite place...give you one guess??! We had so much fun ToGethEr. We almost had the BeAch to ourselves. It's so sad to see the water going DoWn...SumMer is halfway done (maybe not such a bad thing? school!). I do LoVe having my girls with me. KelCie is such a GrEat big sister, and HelPful. BryNN is always HaPPy, and a BuDDy with Sara. SarA ALWAYS keeps you on your toes, and ALWAYS knows when to give a HuG and LoVes. We had such a GoOd time.

1. KelCie
2. BryNn
3. SaRa

Thursday, July 17, 2008

LeGAcY HigHWay
OpEning FaLL 2008
This traffic is at 3:30....every business day. Legacy highway is supposed to open this fall, amongst much legalities. It will HoPefuLLy decrease the TraFFic on the freeway from Bountiful to Farmington. This HiGhwAy has been MaNy years in the making and can't come soon enough. When I hear about RoAd RaGe or have some myself (cough, NO comments please)...I see why. I am so GraTeful I don't have to be in this MeSs EVERDAY.
For my husband it is a different situation...yes he could ride a bike, carpool, or bus, BUT with All of his medical product (those of you having or have had a heart attack are so grateful), unfortunately driving is the only choice. We could buy a "SmaRt" car but right now we have outsmarted those cars...PaiD for!!
1. ChoRes done.
2. A ListENing ear.
3. HomE grOwn Tomatoes
(with a little salt and pepper)!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Chloe, Hunter, and Bridger

My NieCes
My SiSter and her GirlS are here on their way over to CaliFornia for our FamiLy ReuniOn. I am such a proud AuNt to have 3 BeaUtiFul nieces. ChLoe, HunTer and BridGer. My girls LoVe having them here, especially KelCie because her and Bridger are a few months apart in age. These are the TiMes when I long to have them BaCk....So HaPPy to see them!!

1. CouSins that are BeSt FriEnds
2. Seeing a LoVe note on my porCh (chalking)
3. HanGIng out with my SisTer