Thursday, May 29, 2008

AleXis and RobbY are the WiNNers!!

AleXis and RobbY
Thank you for your VoTes
Aren't they so CuTe!!! ConGratuLations on their Engagement.
Set date is AuGust 23, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

FiEld Day MaY 28th 2008

Centerville Elementary

BluE and PinK CoTTon CanDy FaCes, TiGers BloOd and BluEBerry Slurpee's, FaCe PainTing, BloWing BubbLes, PunCh Pass, PoTato chips, GaMes, TiCkets, PriZeS, LARge inflatable toys, FriEnds and a WatER DrOp TanK (like dunking only dumping, which Sara hit all three times...go girl...she didn't think she had done anything... had she turned around)!

What a fun day for the kids to remember. The weather was perfect and the day was well organized for the mass chaos that enfolded as the kids came out to
CeleBrate SuMmer and the last few days of school - HoORay!
1. WaTer
2. SneaKing a bite (or 2-10) of Cotton Candy
3. HuGs
4. PlaYing with ToRi
5. All PiCtured - Kelcie, Brynn, Sara, Tori, Abbie J., Taylor, Shelby,
Abby B., Emma, Kate, and those who were not...
gave me my Number 3!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tonia, Cassandra and Dan

Mothers' Day Weekend - 2008

The Eve of Mothers Day was truly a delightful and wonderful experience. Tonia was re-baptized with Cassandra being baptized by her Hubby/Dad into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. What a momentous occasion to see the Spirit radiate throughout their body. We all need to have that inner beauty surrounding us always...being there reminded me of the promises made...we are here to show our Heavenly Father our devotion, willingness and obedience to His teachings and example. We will see Him someday...will I have kept my end of the deal? I sure hope so.
So many "road blocks" to tackle...Tonia and Dan with strep throat. Our Dad with pneumonia. Really Tonia had a tubule pregnancy which led to surgery - once to remove the fetus, the next day to fix a cut in her bowel. All on the same weekend. Our Dad was able to confirm his daughter and granddaughter members of the church even though very ill. Later that evening a blessing was given to him by Alexis' fiance, what a spiritual high we were on. All on the Eve of Mothers' Day.
My sister Cheryl wrote about it on her blog and so did our Mother. They have such sweet accounts of their feelings and I highly recommend reading it, had to borrow a few pictures from mom but I have really wanted to write about it...thanks mom.
I am so grateful that I was able to make this shared experience with my sisters, parents, and the only boy in the car...soon to be brother in-law, Robby. It was just awesome to witness a family pass on generations of righteous posterity...WOW! Thank you Tawny, Dan and Cassie for feeding my spirit and helping me remember the importance of keeping and living my covenants.

1. Driving a "Sound" car - whew!
2. Radar Detector!
3. Miracles!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Barbara Joyce Shepard Hart

Born - Sept. 24th, 1941
Birth Place - Tacoma WA
Parents- Leslie Daniel (Father), Grace Marion Andler Shepard (Mother)
Married - Mar. 13, 1959 to Harold Hart
Children - Bill Hart, Donna Davison, Theresa Phillips, Sonya Robertson, Jeremy Hart, Travis Hart, Curtis Hart, and Yolanda Hart
Died - Jan. 12th, 2000
This memorial day I wanted to reflect on a woman who was the "glue" to her family. She needed not to shout for her silence was truly respected. She loved to do genealogy, Read, covered bridges, nature, birds, and a wonderful "green" thumb. She is missed greatly. I am so grateful for the understanding of the atonement. We WILL have the oppotunity to be with her again.
We picture death as coming to destroy; let us rather picture Christ as coming to save. We think of death as ending; let us rather think of life as beginning, and that more abundantly. We think of losing; let us think of gaining. We think of parting, let us think of meeting. We think of going away; let us think of arriving. And as the voice of death whispers "You must go from earth," let us hear the voice of Christ saying,
"You are but coming to ME!"
Norman Macleod
"I am so Thankful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I cannot see my life without its guiding power."
Barbara Hart - May 6th, 1986

It's 3 a.m.!!!

So, I awoke at 2 a.m. this morning for some ghastly reason...why?? Many things on the mind, but one keeps coming back...what friend is loud? Me....there are so many different ways to describe my personality and that word is not my favorite. It hit me funny because since I have lived here I have been called all sorts of un-appealing titles. How horrible to hear those things keep ripping apart my brain!! I know I am being to personal, drama or sensitive...all things I have been told. It gets me if I am hearing it from more than's got to be true. Kinda hard to process sometimes.

I'm so grateful for opportunities to be a better person. I hope that as challenges come my way that I will take hold of them and try to stand a little taller. Be a little kinder, Have more patience, Forgive better and with that Forget, Worry and Stress less, Think kinder thoughts, Be a better Mom, Wife, Sister, and Friend.

In no way am I trying to point fingers at anybody....I needed to write this down so maybe I could sleep better. I don't like my mind to race this life already does that for me. Having a good cry is always good for the reserves, sometimes you don't know how full they really are until they start to overflow...over loud..

Need a little pick me up...maybe He's awake!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I Love You - My Curtis!!

15 Years

College, Everett Washington, x-ray tech, 4 different rentals in Washington (all within the same ward), Kelcie is born, career change to the Cath-Lab, move to West Jordan Utah, our First Home, Brynn is born, new job (manager of the Cath lab), Sara is born, another new career change (St. Jude Medical TSS), move to Centerville Utah, move to a different position in career (Sales Rep), Exotic trips to (Hawaii, Australia, Boston, California, and New York), Family reunions, Different vehicles (9 so far), Splurges (trailer, boat, small 4 wheelers), "No Pets allowed" (1 bunny, 7 cats (soon to be 2), sparrows every summer), all of this to me is absolutely amazing in just 15 short years of marriage!!

More than what is seen on the outside is what we have accomplished within ourselves and for each other. Through the good and the bad we are just that "WE." How blessed I am to know that working equates to.....

"WE, and our Sweet 3!"

Pre-ScHool GraduAtion!!!
The Program was DarLing with MuSic and each having a SpeAking part. Saras partner was a cute Boy...ConNer!! She was HaPPy with that. Can't believe how quickly she is GroWing....LoviNg every minute of it!!

"We're moving on up, we've past our test...and proven that we're the blooming BEST!"
(Sara speaking part)

All Done and ReaDy for KindiGarten...
1. Sara actually wearing a DreSS!
2. MemoriZation!
3. Great RefReshMents!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

LoCks of LoVe

What a WondErful opportunity to give this kind of SerVice. I'm so grateful for the GooDness that comes from all who can donate to this amazing cause. I LoVe the haircut and the SweeT friend (Tricia) who helped it look good.
Yesterday was one of those "PiTy PaRty" days and I really needed to find an outlet to keep my mind from going ever so DeEp into TrouBle (cause I seem to swim in it ALOT, fun stuff let me tell ya). As I sat in the chair I was so excited to see it go and know that hopefully it will be put to use..if not that's okay too because it was such a rewarding feeling to give. I thought about the individuals who need it and had a tender compassion for their plight in life to feel NoRmal. I know my hair will GrOw back. Also, knowing that giving it away made it painless when the time came to ChoP it off.

For Information on how you can donate.....

1. Love the HaiR!

2. LoyAL Friends and Family ListeninG to my PiTy...S.W.A.K!!!

3. ChoColaTe FroSting!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A PreviEw to the New-DO!!

So, I decided to get a HaiR cut today and this is how I LOOK!! Isn't it amazing the total favorite is the StrAight teeth and the TAN. A ringer for Kelly Pickler, I don't know what I will do with the attention. You can find me here under my StaGe name
Kelly Pickler....

Sunday, May 18, 2008

HaPPy BirThDay!

5 YeArs Old!!
May 13th, 2008
1. ChoColate Mayo CakE - it may not look very put together, but all homemade, and so good!!
2. She'S (a Sara thing) blew out all the CanDles!
3. HanNah MonTana Costume and Jewelry!
4. Mitt and Ball!
5. KitChen set with all the gadGets!!
I can't believe how QuicKly HeRs (again a Sara thing) is GroWing! I LoVe her Vivatious PerSonality and her LovE BucKet moments. I never know what she will SaY and I am usually SurPrised at what comes out of her Small FraMe and MouTh!!! She brings such DeLight to our FaMily and CaNdid OpporTunities for LauGhter.
I LoVe you My Sarie BEarrie!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

San Francisco

I am NoT a "ShriMp", I am a "KiNg" PronG!!

We had such a good time in FriSco!! We stayed along the "Fishermans Wharf." They called it a "HoT" day and warned all residence to stay "CooL." Mind you it was a whopping 80 outside and felt wonderful. The sky was blue, the wind calm, and the fog not really there. Each night we were surrounded by entertaining medical Doctors, nurses and staff from different hospitals.
Both nights Tricia, pictured above (in the middle) and Lori (in white, front) came. On the 2nd night they brought a friend, Gean (behind Tricia in white). What a HOOT it was to sit and have "AduLt" (take that comment how you may, tehe) conversation. A little background on... Tricia (Patricia, she is called)...we met in Seattle. Since then we stay in pretty good contact and when we get together.....such ComFortable, be YourSelf kind of, FuN, ParTy, AbunDant SweeTness, and ConsTant LaugHter!

From DessErts with funny names...MonKey sundae, houses stacked on top of each other, Curtis wanting to SWim to Alcatraz, shopping AloNe (Curtis was at a luncheon), ghirardelli HoT ChocolaTe, "patchwork quilts" of land, to AmaZing SunSets (especially of the GoldeN GaTe BridGe)....this may have been a short trip, but was jammed with wonderful sites, sounds, smells, tastes and yes...touch (the down bedding..duhh). All senses were very happy this trip!

1. HaviNg a BuS parK so CloSe to us with a St. Jude Logo on it, we could not get out!!
3. Marriot "Sleep in and buy it" BeDs...OH my HEAVEN!