UnCle JiM
I remember when I was a little girl thinking my UnCle JiM was the FunNest, Nice-Est, and yes BeSteSt Uncle out there!! That has not changed! I WaTched as SaRa SoAked him up. He still has such a SweeT VitaLity surrounding him. I AlwaYs felt ImpoRtant, and I know SaRa felt the SamE way. He and my grandfather came for just a short stay on April the 18th...the same day I came home from the retreat. I wish that we could see them more often, but sure do TreAsure these SweEt MoMents!
1. UnCle Jim!
2. ShoRt (wish it could be longer) and SwEet visits!
3. Seeing Uncle Jim through Sara's eyes....Aahh...Goosh, Goosh!