Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Last WeeKend Harold and Nacele came by to visit (all too short by the way). A friend in the ward had a large pine TreE that needed to be cut down. He had bids for up to $1ooo.oo to bring this LEaning ToWer of a tree down. Harold decided to have a look for himself and determine if he could do it....and He DiD!! We were ALL so WoRRied that the leaning tree would fall on the home behind but NoT Harold (he was a LoGGer after all). He KnEw exactly what needed to happen and WhEre the tree would land, and by golly it DID. Five MinuTes after we arrived that TrEE was DOwN and being chopped into smaller pieces.
It was so AwEsome to see that large tree come falling DoWn and to See HaroLd in his element (kinda a rub your nose moment, it's a HaRt thing). Curt even took his HaNd at trying it out. An ahh moment as well, Father, Son... Curt said he actually EnjoyEd taking a ChAin SaW to it and getting down and DiRty. You feel like you have AccoMplishEd something when done (a BaCk ache, sore MuscLes you didn't know you had lol). You realize your NoT as YouNg as you once were, BounCing back is alot HaRder! Also while there, a reunion of sorts. An old Friend from CaVe JuNction of all places, who was visiting the neighbor where the tree could have landed!!
Afterwards they came back to the house where Nacele PlaYed with the GraNdkids. We LovE seeing them and are so GraTEful for the TimE we had!!
1. Harold and Nacele
2. Chris TrusTing us
3. The AwEsome smell of FreSh PiNe!!!


Holly said...

How nice is that! Save a neighbor $1000. Where were you guys when our car broke down? LOL

Love ya!

Karolynn said...

Dude you are the best neighbors! I wished I would have bought the house next door to you a few years ago. I am kicking myself in the butt daily! Great service and lots of fun with family too!

sharon said...

Way to go Harold! I sure miss visiting with both of them! Sounds like you had lots of fun in a very productive way! The pictures are really good-tell Curtis he is a real he-man too! Love you!!!

Unknown said...

I love picturing Harold do that. I bet he really enjoyed being in his element too!

Sherry said...

Sounds like fun times! Wow, Harold really was in the zone! It's great he was able to do that. Nice to have such a talented father & son to share a great bonding experience- bet your glad to have the tree down - and the firewood is nice too :) Thanks for the fun pictures. I love them!