I could not have asked for a better DaD.... He is the BeSt!! From CamPing, TarGet (as in rifles, not shopping, I learned that from his BeTter half tehe) PrActiciNg, SchoOl ProGrams, to DaddY DauGhter moments (TalKs), HaRd worK, LeaDership, SenSe of HuMor, and TenDer HuGs. He covers all the important elements of being a FaTher, DaD, and GraNdpa!! My girls know he is the BeSt LaP, CuddlY (Poo Bear has nothin on him), and FuN! Above all I am so GraTeful for the HonOr he gives to the PrieSthood.
I am so BlessEd to have CurTis as a HubbY and Father to all of us GiRls!! He is a BaSketball Lovin, (sports in general), PlaYful and EnerGetic DaD, TenDer LiStener (especially with the hormonal daughters), VacaTion SeEker, GoaL driven, MuSic SinGer (in his head), ReMote ConTrol holder, FuLL of one LineR jokEr, and LauGhs like no other (you should feel the bed shake during the night when he is having a dream he is a stand up comic)!! He too has blessed us with holding the Priesthood in our home. There is nothing more sweet then when the Priesthood is in use.
1. CoRbyn