Wednesday, March 26, 2008

How BleSSeD am I!

Easter Sunday was a very mellow day this year. Usually we are with family. We would have been with FaMilY, but, some of us were SiCk. I LoVe this time of year. The BriGht colors that start to emerge from the ground, theTemPeraTuRe warming up, the itch to CleAn (did I just say that), and the children being sent out to PlaY!!! SpRinG has a way of bringing CheeR. Looking at my GiRls gives me that same feeling....
1. Finding NeW and CuTe dresses for the girls.
2. PlaYinG at the PaRk.
3. SpoNtaNeouS HuGs.

If you would like to see these pictures close up just click on the one you want to see.


Unknown said...

Oh, those cute girls...can't wait to goosh them. I'm really needing spring to hit.

Holly said...

Mel the girls are so cute! You are going to have to keep them under lock and key away from those boys!

Karolynn said...

Beautiful girls for sure! They all looked so darling on Sunday, including you!

sharon said...

I love each picture of my beautiful girls! They look so cute in their new "duds". I can't wait to get there for my hugs and kisses!