Saturday, March 29, 2008

CHiLd LaBoR is CheAP and CuTe!!
(we hire out for a nominal fee)
This picture was taken a couple of years ago. Sara still vacuums, just not as cute, or as willing. WhY do they OuT-GroW that "MoMMy I WanT to HelP" phase???

1. TalKinG to My SiSteR - LoVe YoU!
2. Having HoMe AloNe time!
3. CaFe RiO!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Here's to OuTDooR FuN - Yeah SpRinG!!

Easter Sunday was a BeauTiFul weather day. It was so FuN to have ZaKK and LoGan come over. From the time we all got home from church until after 4 the EnerGy was so ContAgioUs, You could not help but wanting to be a KiD again!!! This is what PlaYinG is all about.
1. TaG - You're IT!
2. StaTiCy HaiR!
3. GraSS stains and BaRk chips!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

How BleSSeD am I!

Easter Sunday was a very mellow day this year. Usually we are with family. We would have been with FaMilY, but, some of us were SiCk. I LoVe this time of year. The BriGht colors that start to emerge from the ground, theTemPeraTuRe warming up, the itch to CleAn (did I just say that), and the children being sent out to PlaY!!! SpRinG has a way of bringing CheeR. Looking at my GiRls gives me that same feeling....
1. Finding NeW and CuTe dresses for the girls.
2. PlaYinG at the PaRk.
3. SpoNtaNeouS HuGs.

If you would like to see these pictures close up just click on the one you want to see.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

"Remember the Greatness of the Son of Man"
Liz Lemon Swindle
Please take time to ponder on the pictures


Today in Sunday School the teacher made a very simple yet bold statement..

"This is the Holiest of Days!"

When you take time to ponder, this day is quite remarkable...I'm speechless! Perhaps these pictures will depict some of my feelings. Happy Easter!
1. Going to Church every week.
2. Prayer
3. Reading the Scriptures and finding an answer.