Sara wanted to play with the camera during Christmas. Well, why not?! She wanted to show me she could take a picture of herself like "Mommy" does. Here are the results... By the end and changing twice (pj's, it's vacation time), she had figured it out. She may just go blind at some point in her life. But she now knows to keep her arms stretched as far out as they can go!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wordful Wednesday..
This Kindergarten program, for Grandparents, came at the best time. It's been a rough few weeks and the thought of celebrating, is the last thing on our minds. I was just going to stay home and get the house ready for the extra guests. My Mother wanted me to join her..and I am so glad I did. The children had memorized over a dozen songs (pictures did not turn out so well of the performance, sad). The spirit of Christmas filled that small cafeteria. It was the best way to bring sweetness to the season. I am so grateful for Sara's teacher, who also happens to be my neighbor and friend. Getting all those little 5 year olds to sit still and all participate was amazing. A wonderfully entertaining, sweet and fun Christmas presentation.
Sara Loves Grandma!
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Happy Me!!
I am Tooting my Birthday horn!! Between 2 funerals, visitors, volunteering at school, a baptism, a Huge church party, and Christmas coming...I managed to have a birthday.
Friday, December 19, 2008
PhotoStory FriDay..Services Budd C. Argyle Style...
These last few weeks have been filled with much sorrow and joy. My grandfather was laid to rest this morning in the midst of a snow storm. At least the wind wasn't blowing at the time of the services. The hearst could not make it up the hill to the burial site. So they decided to park down at the bottom of the hill and have the pall bearers carry him up. Fortunately, the men doing the carrying were strong, because there were not enough of them. My Dad kept saying..."Keep going...Keep going." He feared dropping the coffin. Afterwards a yummy luncheon was served and we were able to warm up and let the stress role off a little. Curtis utilized this time to really relax...hmmm...we all got quite the giggle!

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Grandpa....I Love you...
For the Love of Grandpa Budd C. Argyle...
My feelings are very raw, and overwhelming. I lost a wonderful Grandfather, but most importantly, my Mother lost her Father. She was by his side as he passed this evening. My prayer is for her and her siblings as they go through the process of grief. I am so blessed to have an understanding that this life is but a moment. For we have eternity. It does not take the sting away, just a comforting blanket. One I need and want wrapped around me right now.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
PhotoStory FriDay...

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
~Ode to the Blue Bowl~
When I was a child, my father had a "orangie red, DO NOT TOUCH" bowl. I couldn't be sneaky either. He had eyes in the back of his head! So, somehow I acquired this blue replica and have the same fondness for it as he did. Tragic? Odd? Did I let him eat out of it last week? YES!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
WordFull WedNesDay....
Not many words to express...she is Priceless!!
Click on this button and see why I just love this lady...Angie!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Brynn has a FuLL weekend!
Brynn was Baptized on Saturday. She was surrounded by family and friends who were so excited to see her take this big step in her life.
Before the baptism...she loved having her pictures taken. Oh, that long beautiful hair (will be donating it soon)!
She was thrilled to get ready and when I looked up...her jumpsuit was on backwards...giggle!
It's Great to be 8! From beginning to end, this day was Full of Joy! She is an angel who blesses my life in every way. How grateful I am to have a piece of heaven dance, sing, giggle, cry, snuggle, play, and love with everyday...Our Brynn Bear!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
PhotoStory FriDay...All I Want for Christmas...

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
It FinALLy happened! Brynn lost her bottom front tooth. That little BuGGer hung on for months. The other followed suit 2 days later. Sad in away. Childhood is so FleeTing and this is one of many changes in her life (and mine) where I wish to StoP the clock if only for a moment! Over lost teeth?!
She is so HaPPy!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
WordFul WedNesday...Mission Call!!
My sister Lexi (Alexis) got her Mission Call to....drum roll....Salt Lake City Temple Square, Utah!! She is currently up in Idaho and will leave for the MTC in February. Her enthusiasm to go just radiates all around her. She will serve the Lord well!
Some of My GratEfulS for AleXis...
1. Princess Alexis in the land of NoG.
2. A FuLL can of hairspray.
3. Running through the IrriGAtion sprinklers.
4. Cloth diapers that look so cute on babies (not the changing part)
5. Playing TaG..TickLe fests.
6. You may do WHaTever you want!!
7. Making the Guinea pigs SquEEl.
8. Hearing her play the PiaNo.
9. Always up for AdVenTure.
10. Watching her play with my GiRls the way I played with Her!
I am so proud of you Alexis. You are a wonderful example to all those you surround, especially your family. My sister, I Love you. Congratulations on the next great adventure of your life!
I am so grateful for Angie at Seven Clown Circus. When ideas run out to blog (or journal) about, I can always depend on this day (Wednesday) to bring some incentive to my continuing effort to keep my life updated!! Her blog is darling, but more important she is..Thank you Angie! Click on the button above or her name to see how addictingly fun it can and will be!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
The tender moments of my Grandmother's funeral where candidly caught. From a child smelling a flower, Grandpa walking hand in hand with the girls, the hugs, the support from friends, to the unity of Brother and Sisters. The Lord and His Tender Mercies encircled us that day. I enjoyed every aspect of the services. Humor, sweetness, reflection and abundant love!
Before the viewing started, I had the opportunity to set the pictures up in the entryway and see Grandma before all came. She looked so beautiful all in white and every dainty detail highlighted. How grateful I was at that time for the Atonement. For in that moment I felt nothing but compassion, humility, forgiveness, and hope. All of which happened that day.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
WordFul WedNesday...and PhoToSTory Friday!!
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